Sunday, May 15, 2011

Movie Review: Thor

A+ for fantasy, sci fi, action.
A+ for the cast.
A for family, friend dynamics.
B for humor.
C for the love story.
D for the cheesy aspect.

I love it when people kick butt and take names. And the dichotomy between modern society and mythical / other universe - fabulous! It's a beautiful thing folks, much like mixing rap & Somewhere Over the Rainbow - or that movie coming out this summer called Cowboys and Aliens. Tickles me fancy. And the cast! Schweet! Kat Dennings, I picked up on her right away, can't miss it - the gal from Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist!

At any rate, Thor. Back to it. One of my favorite stories. Loved the family and friend dynamics and the conflict. Love story was a bit too much for me and there were some cheesy parts, but over all a pretty good story with cute humor.

"Take it back! Take back what you said about Thor!" a line from one of my favorite movies Adventures in Babysitting.

Gleenobly's rating: 7/10