Thursday, September 13, 2018

My favorite Bones quotes

Bones, The Hero in the Hold (2009), Season 4, Episode 14.
"Character's who you are under pressure. Not who you are when everything's fine." ~Dr. Lance Sweets

The Signs in the Silence (2011), Season 6, Episode 21.
"People lie, but bones always tell the truth."
~Dr. Temperance Brennan

The Money Maker on the Merry-Go-Round (2014), Season 10, Episode 7.
Conversation between characters Dr. Temperence Brennan and FBI Agent James Aubrey.  Brennan is helping Aubrey feel better after they both realize their shared connection of parental abandonment.
“My father was a criminal, too. I was fifteen when I was abandoned, and I was angry for years.”
“How did you get over it?”
“I didn’t.”
“So this isn’t a comforting talk?”
“No. The pain is always there. The challenge is to not try to make it go away.”
“Really not comforting.”
“Fighting it is a problem. We fight to try and change the past, or push it away, but the pain is part of who we are. It’s like the discovery of the quark. It upended all of our theories about physics. There was fury, fighting. But it was true. And when it was finally accepted, it gave us a better understanding of life. If we had denied it, there would have been no progress.”
“What a really brainy analogy.”
“Because I’m very brainy.’s not easy, Aubrey, but nothing of value is.”
......Here's my interpretation.  Pain is always there in our lives - different topics, different causes - the pain is there.  The challenge is not to make it go away and push it away, but rather to accept it because it is part of who we are.  It is important to embrace what has happened to us, own it, change in positive ways on our own accord.  Nothing of value is easy, but it is worth it.  :-)

Bones, The Woman in the Whirlpool (2015), Season 10, Episode 20.
"I realize how quickly relationships can change and how important it is to value those you have right now." ~Dr Temperence Brennan after doing something unexpected.  She pleasantly surprised her intern Jessica Warren with a Technetium X-ray item for her Periodic Table of Elements collection.

Bones, The Next in the Last (2015), Season 10, Episode 22.
"In our culture, we all search for closure. but closure is an illusion.  Science shows us that the universe is constantly in flux.  It's what allows our friendships and our love to constantly surprise us."

Bones, The Senator in the Street Sweeper (2015), Season 11, Episode 6.
"Sometimes the best things in life happen against the odds."
~Angela Montenegro

Bones, The Day in the Life, Season 12, Episode 11.
"Whatever happens, it's going to work out. I used to spend so much time looking back and thinking, 'What if I had made other choices?' And then I realized, I love my life the way it is. Live for right now, that's the only thing you can do."
~Angela Montenegro

Monday, June 25, 2018

Recipient of a Random Act of Kindness :-)

Tonight a stranger paid for our dinner at a restaurant.  It was a pleasant surprise.  I was pretty impressed at his kindness and friendliness.  In this day and age of negativity, it's refreshing that we can take joy in the little things that mean a lot and the actions of unsung heroes.  Faith in humanity restored!  :-)  Pay it forward, world, pay it forward.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Train Passengers Sing Over the Rainbow!

"It's not what we have, it's what we enjoy that brings happiness."
Spellbinding. Faith in humanity restored. :-)

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Movie Review: Thoroughbreds: Unexpected

A for cinematography, use of sound and images
A for a teenage female friendship plot and acting/cast
F for a few of the characters being one dimensional
F for veering in unexpected ways that I did not enjoy
F for the ending

I love the topic of friendships.  People and friendships are fascinating and it is great to watch movies about these types of subjects.  I felt disappointed with Thoroughbreds, though, because it really wasn't what I thought it would be and there were a lot of elements that I did not enjoy.  I do not mind dark topics at all, but I just did not like the way this movie transpired.  On a positive note,  I loved most of the cast and the acting and am stoked to see Olivia Cooke play Art3mis in one of my all time favorite books, soon to be released as a movie Ready Player One.  :-)

Gleenobly's rating: 3/10