Sunday, May 22, 2011

Movie Review: Fast 5

A+ for the bank safe scene.
A+ for the cast
A for stunts.
B for cute, funny quips.
D for over the top stuff.

The glory of movies and the reason I am such a huge film buff is because of stories like Fast 5. Over the top? Yes! Ridiculous? Yes! Humor where I didn't laugh out loud but laughed on the inside? You betcha. But you know what? Doesn't matter in movies like this. I mean, who can beat awesome cars, awesome cast, super schweet stunts, and OMG that bank safe scene! I can honestly say I have never seen that before and I absolutely loved it, I was all over it! (Save for Dodge Chargers - huh? LOL, it was still cool).

I am also a huge fan of the Fast series. I am not going to give anything away, but I will say that the very last scene I was quite skeptical, but hey, like I said - gotta love the movies anyway. And Dwayne Johnson, Paul Walker, Vin Diesel - ahhhh I just wanna hug them and squeeze them and call them George.

When I think of the movies I enjoy and love, I think of the 2001 movie called the Majestic. My favorite line - I pulled this from
[Inside the abandoned movie theater]
"Harry Trimble: That's why we call it The Majestic. Any man, woman, child could buy their ticket, walk right in. Here they'd be, here we'd be. "Yes sir, yes ma'am. Enjoy the show." And in they'd come entering a palace, like in a dream, like in heaven. Maybe you had worries and problems out there, but once you came through those doors, they didn't matter anymore. And you know why? Chaplin, that's why. And Keaton and Lloyd. Garbo, Gable, and Lombard, and Jimmy Stewart and Jimmy Cagney. Fred and Ginger. They were gods. And they lived up there. That was Olympus. Would you remember if I told you how lucky we felt just to be here? To have the privilege of watching them. I mean, this television thing. Why would you want to stay at home and watch a little box? Because it's convenient? Because you don't have to get dressed up, because you could just sit there? I mean, how can you call that entertainment, alone in your living room? Where's the other people? Where's the audience? Where's the magic? I'll tell you, in a place like this, the magic is all around you. The trick is to see it."

Gleenobly's rating: 8/10