Saturday, April 30, 2011

Movie Review: Peaceful Warrior

A+ for insight & inspiration & following your dreams no matter what.
A+ for the cast, especially Nick Nolte.
C for somewhat flat plot.
D for predictability.

Okay so don't get me wrong, I enjoy movies based on true stories.
Dan Millman - I mean, what an amazing life he has lived and impressive things he has done. Successful gymnast, gets hurt, can't do it, gets told he can't do it, does it anyway, surprises everyone, teaches us that happiness comes from within, be true to yourself, believe, and know that life is about the journey and not the destination. Love it.

From a cynical gag me perspective, I could have done without the wax poetic philosophy pez dispenser shaped fortune cookie that spits out fortune cookie fortunes instead of candy. No, don't think "huh?" Just take a moment to think about that.

Then go see the movie anyway :). Meow.

Gleenobly's rating: 7/10