Thursday, August 18, 2011

Funnyman, Actor, Doctor (Really) Ken Jeong

One of my all time favorite actors is Ken Jeong, best known for his role on the Hangover 1 & 2. He's also a father, a husband, a doctor, a comedian, has twin girls, and his wife is a cancer survivor. As a matter of fact, during her initial battle with cancer, he declined being in the Hangover 1, but his wife insisted and encouraged him to do it. So he did. It was his therapy, cast members and laughter helped him through tough times. Thank God for people like Ken Jeong who remind us that it is okay to be different, find humor in all aspects of life, appreciate uniqueness, and to follow your goals and dreams. Kudos to his refreshing interview on Ellen Degeneres. Here is his Facebook page. /tilts hat to Ken Jeong.