Thursday, July 15, 2010

OCD Humor - You Know You Have it When...

....All of the light switches have to be down when off. Can't have one light switch down and the other up if all of the lights are off. **twitch**
....Everything needs to be straight and just so. Exceptions for me are unorganized piles, which are organized in my own lil way, which means not really organized but to me sort of organized.
....I cannot stand phone cords that are all twisted up and crooked. I have this innate need to fix them as soon as I can get my hands on them.
....I park in the same spot, sit in the same seat, go the same routes. If I deviate from that, I get nervous.
....I prefer even numbers over odd numbers.
....if I have one nail that is short, I need to cut the rest to be the same length, otherwise it gives me a complex.
....still trying to figure out the whole zero verses letter O thing. Did you ever notice? 5 'oh 9 vs 509. 97402 vs 974 'oh 2. Gah. Really it should be zero. I mean, it's a number not a letter.