Saturday, January 6, 2024

Nicholas Winton, movie about him 🫶🏽

Please watch the new movie One Life! My husband and I brought a box of tissues with us to the cinema. In the art of travelling and selflessly helping others, let's go back to 1938 and salute unsung hero Nicholas Winton. He saved 669 people, mostly Jewish children, before World War 2 broke out. They estimate today in 2024 that approximately 6,000 people are alive because of him. All the love and feels to this humble, generous man who pulled off something monumental well before the time of social media and easy communications. He lived to 2015 at the amazing age of 106! His glow and magic overwhelms me in all the good ways. May we all strive to inspire and help like he did. 🥹💗💪🏼🌱⚙️🕊🍁🍂🍃🪨🍋

Here's a clip of the real life talk show in 1988 that revealed Nicky's efforts. 🫶🏽